In January, we embarked on a mission: to use voice technology to transform the way education is managed. As part of the EMEA Alexa EdTech Skills Challenge, we re-imagined the online campus experience by providing school staff, teachers, students and families with a virtual assistant to manage day-to-day activities using Amazon Alexa.

What is the EMEA Alexa EdTech Skills Challenge?

This exciting challenge launched by Amazon Web Services for companies specializing in educational technology was designed to find the best application of voice technology in education.Each company participating had to choose one of the selected topics related to the UK government’s Educational Technology Strategy. If you want to read more about this challenge, visit the website here.

We are Finalists!

We are proud to be part of the six finalists and will be evaluated by a panel of judges who will select the best application based on innovation, potential impact, execution and user experience. What a thrill!

People’s Choice Award: Vote now!

But it doesn’t stop there – the public also has the power to choose the solution that brings the most value at the People’s Choice Award!

Help us re-imagine education management by casting your vote here.
If you still have questions about voting for us, you can review the video tutorial we prepared for you on How to Vote for Classlife.

Voting closes July 25. Hurry, vote now!

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