Admissions and Self Enrollment

The most efficient admissions process for your school

The admission and enrollment of students is always a heavy workload for the academic secretary, that needs to have the right tools for the admission process of first-time students to be effective and successful.

Classlife allows you to set up the stages of the student admission and online enrollment process to suit the needs of your institution.

The Admissions and Self Enrollment Extension Module can be integrated within the Academic Module of our platform. With this extension you can define different processes, either for first-time students, with the Admissions Extension, or for students who have already studied at the institution and have access to the platform, with the Self Enrollment Extension.

Let’s see how Classlife allows you to customize the Admissions Extension to the needs of your institution:

1. Create degrees and programs

As a preliminary step, it will be necessary to create the degrees and programs using the Academic Management Module.

2. Configure the parameters per course

Once they are created, you can edit the courses to set details such as duration or price and also define specific parameters:

  • Course status (open, closed, cancelled).
  • Discounts. If there is a discount, you will have to choose the percentage.
  • Installments. If it is possible to pay the registration fee in installments, you must indicate the amounts of each payment.
  • Bank transfer. If it is possible to pay by bank transfer, credit card or both methods.

3. Define the steps to follow in the admission process

The tool allows you to adapt, remove or add steps depending on the institution’s needs. Here is an example of an admission process with some of the possibilities offered by the platform:

Registration as an applicant

Prospective students can pre-register by filling out a form with their personal information.

Formulario de alta alumnos | Classlife Ejemplo
Student Form

Once the institution authorizes the student, he/she/they must complete the information on the initial form of the admission process.

Admisiones Classlife Ejemplo
Acceptance of privacy and other policies

The institution may establish which privacy policies the student must agree to in order to ensure data protection or similar.

Protección de datos | Classlife Ejemplo
Pre-registration payment

Payments can be made by credit card with Stripe or virtual TPV, or by bank transfer, sending a receipt to be approved by the institution.

Formas de pago | Classlife Ejemplo
Attach required documentation

The institution may indicate which documentation is required for the training and the student must present it in order to continue with the process.

Requisitos formación alumnos | Classlife Ejemplo
Book a date and time for the personal interview

If necessary, the institution may schedule a meeting with the student.

Selección fecha entrevista alumno | Classlife Ejemplo
Personal interview online or face-to-face

If a meeting is scheduled, the platform allows for a virtual meeting.

Acceder a la entrevista del alumno | Classlife Ejemplo
Update the student’s profile with the results of the interview

Once the interview is done, the institution may include the results of the meeting to be taken into account when proceeding with the enrollment.

Valoración entrevista alumnos | Classlife Ejemplo
Selection of the subjects, in case of having more than one option

If the course in which the student wants to enroll allows to choose subjects, the student will be able to choose in which ones he/she/they want to enroll.

Matriculación asignaturas | Classlife Ejemplo
Acceptance of the payment agreement

Once all the documentation has been provided and the subjects have been chosen, the amount and conditions of the payment can be established.

Formas de pago | Classlife Ejemplo
Payment of tuition

Payments can be made by credit card with Stripe or virtual TPV, or by bank transfer, sending a receipt to be approved by the institution.

Formas pago online | Classlife Ejemplo
Automatic enrollment creation and assignment of students to classrooms

Once the payment has been made, the enrollment will be validated and the tool will automatically assign the student to the corresponding classrooms.

Matrícula automática y Asignación de aulas | Classlife Ejemplo
Download of documentation by the student

Once the online registration has been approved, the student will be able to access and download all the documentation.

Carta de admisión | Classlife Ejemplo
Activation of the student in the platform

The student will already be a Classlife user and will have everything necessary for the start of the training.

Activación zona personal del alumno en la plataforma | Classlife Ejemplo

4. Admissions management panel

This is one example of how to make online enrollment easier for new students at your institution, but there’s even more!

A good process must have a good administration panel, where you can follow all the steps as an admissions manager:

  • Control panel. The institution has a control panel where you can check and manage the information of each admission process through management tools.
  • List of students. Each student has a file where you can review their enrollment data and the documentation they have provided.
  • Control points. It is possible to establish control points to check and validate the documentation before allowing the student to continue with the process.
  • Communications. The platform offers the possibility to add communications, such as sending emails, when necessary. These communications will also be documented so that they can be consulted at any time.

Do you need help with the admissions process at your institution? First-time students will be able to enroll online with our educational management software.

Panel de gestión de las Admisiones | Classlife Admin

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