Campus virtual
Improve the participation of your students

With a social network-like enviroment, Classlife redefines the experience in your LMS for students and teachers. A clean and friendly interface that provides a great tool for educational management.
Private Social Network
Boost your educational community and increase the participation of your students and teachers.
Finally a social network for your institution, your students and teachers.
The important information instantly available, no matter where you are.
Share content in your LMS, classrooms and groups.
Keep all your students informed easily through the LMS of your institution.
Share pictures using your wall and allow users interactions.
Create as many picture galleries as you need.
Share the latest news about your institution with your students.
Increase users participation in every activity of your institution.
Comment in each post, picture, video, and more.
Platform available in 7 languages.
Let users see the organizational chart of the institution.
Create events and let students confirm their attendance.
Increase the debate between teachers and students on the forums.
A space designed specifically to help students.
Check the student’s progress from their personal space.
You will have a space to access the attendance reports of your classes.
Reports about the scheduled tasks of different subjects.
Students will be able to see their grades when publishing the tasks.
Offer the possibility to do online exams to your students.
See in which events the students assist in their board.
Graduated students have access to every completed subject.
Students will have access to their grades butllletin.
All the student’s schedule from a main board.
Allow students to interact with their classmates through their profiles and direct messages.
Quick acess for students to their tasks.
The calendar is automatically updated for each student, depending on their events and deadlines.
Add your student’s date of birth to automate birthday messages by mail.
Allow specific to access the selected subjects of your trainings.
Every educational tool for teacher’s day-to-day.
Monitor teachers connection’s time on the platform.
Communicate with all the enrolled students directly.
Creation of tutoring sessions with students.
Control inappropriate posts in the classroom wall.
Grades of the student’s activities.
Allow classroom reservations, previously configured by your institution.
Possibility to create special sessions in the classrooms for the attendance control.
Online and face-to-face tasks scheduling.
Monitor the student’s evolution in each subject.
Create customized alarms to assign to specific teachers.
Information of the teacher’s connections to the platform.
You will get a warning when scheduling several trainings at the same time.
Dynamize each subject and motivate your students to increase their participation.
Have several tools created to optimize professional’s time.
Communication system integrated into the platform. Students, teachers, managers and families always connected.
Send messages through Classlife’s platform, and monitor the conversations.
Direct communication with students, teachers and managers of the institution.
Group conversations in each subject.
Management of all conversations in a single space. Create categories and add tags to the messages.
Attach files into both individual and group messages.
Send notifications by mail in each communication.
Alert on the platform when receiving a new notification.
Recieve Push notifications when installing Classlife’s app.
A clean and friendly space that helps teachers and allows to monitor the student’s progression efficiently.
Dynamize your classrooms with a social network-like interface.
Assign one or more teachers to each subject.
It is possible to assign a hidden teacher to make the monitoring of the training easier.
Define the importance and weight of the classroom activities to calculate the final grades.
Allow the teacher to evaluate students thought the demonstration of competences.
Create folders in the “Contents Table” to organize all the information of the subject.
Configure the maximum number of seats for a subject.
Allow students to connect to different academic groups in the same online classroom automatically since their enrollment.
Allow to configure the resources, contents and information in one main classroom, that will be reflected in the “Mirror” classrooms.
Create new classrooms by adding content created in an existing one.
Change the main image of each classroom for a better personalization of the subject.
You can add partial, ordinary and extraordinary calls.
Allow students to consult conversations but not to generate new ones.
Add the interested students to a waiting list if all the seats of a subject have been taken.
Create all the necessary contents for a training. Program the delivery, create surveys, add lectures and more, in a quick and easy way.
Allow the agrupation of the classroom contents by topics and lectures, categorizing each element.
Create online or face-to-face submissions. Program the date of the start and the end of the task, as well as the grade’s publishing and add a second submission date.
Create and send surveys to the students to obtain and analize important data.
It is possible to upload videos to the platform or sharing links to other platforms like Youtube or Vimeo.
Add files as part of the content. The accepted formats are the most frequently used such as PDF, CSV, JPG, PNG, XLS, PPT, ZIP, MP3, WAV, among others.
Add content as text format with an introductory title and organized by categories.
Create all kinds of tests: True and False, Multiple Answer, Short Answer, Description, Match or Grap Text.
Link questionnaires to exams and submissions, to calculate the final grades of the classroom.
Share external links as part of the content.
System of public and private conversations with students.
Add content as text format with an introductory title.
You can add any other type of external content it is possible to use technologies such as SCORM and connections such as LTI or API.
Job board
Create job offers or internships, and allow businesses to manage their candidates.
Publish limited offers for the businesses interested on hiring your students.
Specify an internship offer and allow your students to initiate their life at a workplace.
Detail the days and work hours on the description of the job offer.
With the Digital Signature extension you will be able to send documents to your candidates so they can sign them with their laptops or mobile devices.
Help your students and allow them to start a career at the most important business of their selected field.
Allow businesses to manage their offers and the candidates that have registered on them.
Manage all the applications dismissing or progressing, depending on the offer.
Video Conference
Connect with the best video conference services. Doing online lessons has never been this easy.
With this extension you will be able to connect with external video conference services such as Zoom, Webex or Blackboard Collaborate.
Allow the connection of video conference services with platforms that allow LTI protocol.
Allow the connection of video conference services with platforms that allow the API protocol, which is more complex than LTI.
Possibility to change the external service of video conference depending on your needs.
Attendance Lists
You can check the attendance of every subject. Monitor the attendance level in your lessons.
Generator of class hours for your courses, having all the different week days in mind.
Activate automatic emails to a relative or the guardian of a student in case of not attending to the lesson.
Access to the attendance reports of each student and each subject.
Posibility to check the attendance on free sessions that are not defined as ordinary in the subject’s schedule.
Allow the creation of extracurricular groups for teachers and students outside the courses.
Create groups with the same social function as the LMS or the classrooms.
Limit the access only for teachers, to offer a digital space for the faculty.
Offer a space where students can share interests and can create a community.
You can create private groups where it is only possible to access with an invitation.
You are also able to add videos through this platform, as comments or as part of the contents.
Classlife allows the connection with tools specifically designed for content creation.
Link classroom content trought LTI tecnology.
Add Youtube videos as part of the classroom content or as a comment on the wall.
Import packagings generated with content autorship tools and exported as Scorm format.
The LMS platform allows the use of this video conference tool (Pro License o upper Necessary for Zoom).
Connect with Webex video conference services, the most used tool in the business world.
Blackboard Collaborate is the video conference tool most used at universities and higher education.
The functionalities marked with this icon are available when purchasing Premium Extensions.
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