Vocational training​

Manage your VET center with the help of Classlife
Managing the day-to-day of a vocational training center involves a large volume of complex work. At Classlife we understand the challenges and processes these institutions face everyday.
With our educational management platform it is possible to centralize communications, automate processes and have a private and secure social network that increases participation.
The features our academies prefer
Official Documentation
Generate all necessary documentation and grant access permissions to auditors to control the activity of students studying with a grant.
Educational Offer
Configure the educational offer exactly as your school needs. The flexible Classlife platform allows you to adapt the training to your needs.
Job Board
Create job or internship offers and allow companies to manage candidates.
Online Admissions
User-friendly interface
Student tracking
Video Streaming
Job offers
Effective communication
Official documentation
Customizable image
Integral management
Courier delivery
Content development
Calendar management
Minutes and certificates
API integrations
Virtual classrooms (LMS)
Financial control
Efficient processes
Data intelligence
Adaptable environment
More than 100 reports
Controls all areas of learner experience management

Unlock the Maximum Potential of Your Educational Center
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