EMEA Alexa EdTech Skills Challenge: Vote now!

In January, we embarked on a mission: to use voice technology to transform the way education is managed. As part of the EMEA Alexa EdTech Skills Challenge, we re-imagined the online campus experience by providing school staff, teachers, students and families with a virtual assistant to manage day-to-day activities using Amazon Alexa.

What is the EMEA Alexa EdTech Skills Challenge?

This exciting challenge launched by Amazon Web Services for companies specializing in educational technology was designed to find the best application of voice technology in education.Each company participating had to choose one of the selected topics related to the UK government’s Educational Technology Strategy. If you want to read more about this challenge, visit the website here.

We are Finalists!

We are proud to be part of the six finalists and will be evaluated by a panel of judges who will select the best application based on innovation, potential impact, execution and user experience. What a thrill!

People’s Choice Award: Vote now!

But it doesn’t stop there – the public also has the power to choose the solution that brings the most value at the People’s Choice Award!

Help us re-imagine education management by casting your vote here.
If you still have questions about voting for us, you can review the video tutorial we prepared for you on How to Vote for Classlife.

Voting closes July 25. Hurry, vote now!

The Key To Stay Relevant: Versatility

Staying relevant in the marketplace is one of the biggest challenges schools face every day. Given that the only constant today is change, the key to achieve it is not only being able to adapt easily, but doing it quickly; expanding areas of action and exploring various functions that may not have been considered before. This ability is called versatility, and has probably become one of the most powerful tools to be developed not only as an individual, but as an institution as well.

The educational field, and life itself today, demand students (who will become professionals) with skills beyond the technical. They need people with skills that allow them to perform tasks and participate in jobs that do not yet exist. They need to be trained to become versatile enough to survive in an uncertain world, in a world that, from one day to another, forces you to stay at home and work remotely.  So, how do you educate in what you don’t know?

Our answer: start with yourself.

If we want to achieve all this in our students, the Educational Centre must transmit these values from the way of teaching, to the management, to the tools used, and in the collaborations made.


Knowledge is in the palm of our hands and schools must take advantage of it. Technology allows us to access content, people and places that we might previously have considered unreachable. So, allowing students to learn and access content from anywhere is precise. Strategies such as online classes, live classrooms or video-streaming and the use of technologies such as augmented and virtual reality, will bring students closer to knowledge and to face constant challenges that will allow them to develop the necessary skills.


School management is extremely important. What happens inside the classroom, or the way in which classes are delivered, represents one of the main efforts to be made in order to educate for the future; however, all the processes that are behind are those that allow this to happen. Therefore, seeking to be more efficient and to do more with fewer resources will allow us to emphasize in the development of each student, raising the quality of the school.


Many times, the tools we choose to carry out the educational task, both in management issues and in evaluation and monitoring can be pigeonholed into the same way of doing things.. For this reason, it is very important to analyse the needs of our educational centre in order to choose the tools that bring out the most benefit. Previously we shared two guides to avoid errors when choosing CRM and ERP for an educational center, we leave you the links so you can consult them. In the same way, listening to success stories from other educational centres can help you define those tools and features that can work to achieve the goal of being more versatile and open.


To connect with teams and institutions with the same values that we are looking for, as well as with associations that will lead us to grow in this aspect and that will accompany us in the continuous evolution that is required to remain in force and to respond to the needs of our educational community.


Versatility is one of the most powerful skills we must develop to remain relevant in today’s educational world. As an educational institution, we must seek out to transmit these values to our students, from the way we teach, to the management, tools and collaborations made to respond to their needs.

Secrets To Efficient School Management.

¿Cuál es el secreto para lograr un centro educativo más eficiente a partir de su gestión?

¡Buena pregunta! 

Ciertamente, un centro educativo podría llegar a ser una de las instituciones más complejas en temas de gestión. Involucra procesos en un rango tan amplio que la integración y alineación de los mismos para lograr hacer más con menos es un gran reto. Aunado a esto, tenemos la mala suerte de que  no exista fórmula perfecta para  gestionar un centro educativo, ya que todo depende del contexto y de las características propias de cada institución. Pero, ¿Qué hacen los mejores para lograrlo? ¿Cuáles son esas buenas prácticas que han llevado a varios al éxito?

A lo largo de los años, hemos identificado ciertas acciones que han sido clave para que centros educativos, como el ESHI ( European Sports and Health Institute), transformen la gestión de la escuela; mejorando así  la calidad de la educación y la experiencia del alumno. Aquí algunos de sus secretos:

1. Escuela centrada en el alumno

Esto permitirá al centro establecer metas claras en cada uno de los rubros de gestión que además considerando el entorno en el que el alumno vive, las características de su comunidad, sus interacciones sociales y sus costumbres para poder así focalizar no sólo los recursos para el aprendizaje si no también los recursos humanos y económicos.

2. Automatización y digitalización de  procesos manuales

Eliminar procesos manuales y colocarlos en un formato digital  llevará al centro a optimizar los recursos y el tiempo. Este fundamento reducirá el margen de error humano y dará lugar a resultados en menos tiempo y con mayor posibilidad de seguimiento. Por ejemplo, la digitalización de la firma de actas en las Juntas de Evaluación promueve que el centro educativo sea más eficiente en sus procesos.

3. Conectar a los actores permanentemente

Directivos, Responsables de IT, Financieros, Secretaría Académica, Profesores, Alumnos y Alumni, todos conectados en un mismo espacio que les permita mantener una comunicación fluida desde el día en el que deciden formar parte de la institución. Esto les permitirá moverse más rápido y les dará la seguridad de que permanentemente cuentan con el apoyo de la comunidad educativa. Además, resultará en el desarrollo de procesos integrados con un mismo objetivo, sin importar en qué parte del mundo se encuentren tus equipos.

4. Gestión transversal

 La gestión interna de la escuela, docentes y alumni deben converger y estar integrados para lograr así procesos más eficientes y efectivos. Además, esto ayudará a mantener una buena comunicación entre todos, eliminando procesos y disminuyendo el tiempo y la cantidad de errores que potencialmente se pueden cometer cuando cada departamento camina con su propia gestión y con sus propios objetivos.


Cada centro educativo es una institución compleja que involucra una serie de elementos que, si se gestionan correctamente, resultan en éxito. Mantener una escuela centrada en el alumno, la automatización y digitalización de ciertos procesos manuales, conectar a los actores permanentemente y la gestión transversal del centro son algunos de los secretos que instituciones educativas han compartido con nosotros para lograr más con menos y continuar la tarea más importante: la educativa.

¿Qué esperas para llevar la educación al siguiente nivel?

El primer paso para iniciar la verdadera digitalización de tu centro

La nueva generación
de plataformas educativas
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